Why We Aren’t Moving …Yet

I’ve had a lot of readers/friends/family ask me recently about our move to OK. Sometimes I forget that everyone isn’t a part of our daily conversations and thought process. Since the primary focus of this blog has been getting our house ready to sell, it makes sense.

Long story short, we met with a realtor and decided that if we move to OK in the next few years that we should rent/lease our house rather than sell. We also decided not to move unless Ben has a good job opportunity lined up there.
Another problem is that we’re pretty happy where we’re at – just look at those smiling faces at the Blind Pilot concert we went to the other night! Lots of things have contributed to this over the past year: me working part-time, finding a new church family, discovering Midtown Memphis and mostly our attitudes.

We are invested in our lives here and it would not be easy to say goodbye. To give all that up just to rent our house and move to OK with no jobs seems kinda silly. The best thing for our family right now is to sit tight, live where we live and continue to look for the right opportunity and time to move.

This decision was not an easy one. Somehow I thought that if we made a contract and simply decided to move that everything would just fall into place. Life doesn’t work like that. Lots of people that love us want for us to be in OK and that’s tough. We hope that they find peace with this decision like we have.

Don’t worry about us getting boring like Jim and Pam post marriage. We have some surprises up our sleeve about what’s next for our little family. What’s one of the hardest decisions you’ve had to make in life?

11 responses to “Why We Aren’t Moving …Yet

  1. I, for one, am glad that you guys aren’t yet headed to OK – and am proud & honored to be a part of your journey for now.
    Love to you and Ben.

  2. I am curious about the new church family part. Are you guys attending somewhere new? Just curious! I know it can be tough making decisions about moving and having to rework plans along the way. I know it will work out for the best for you and Ben.

    • Christie, we’ve been going to a church plant in Midtown for about a year now and love it! It’s similar to what we wanted to do in Ireland, only in Memphis.

  3. I completely understand. Yesterday, I wanted nothing more than to move back to OK… and today I feel like I would regret it if I did. It seems like the easiest and hardest thing to do is stay in Houston…. We have invested 6 years into church and friends, job, etc… Our. Friends are all having kids at the same time. We already know our child’s friends’ parents! HOWEVER what can beat growing up with grandmas, Grandpa’s, aunts , uncles… Oklahoma is no paradise, but at least it’s not a giant parking lot. Ugh… I could go on and on about what a tough decision it is. Good luck guys… And if you move to OKC area and find a good church family, let me know… That’s the big one.

  4. I’m so glad you shared this! One of our hardest decisions was our recent move, but its worked out great for us. I have to admit that everything has just fallen into place with our move and that does reinforce that it was the right choice. Without that constant reinforcement, I wouldn’t have been brave enough to do it. I think you are right and it will become clear what your path will be. Then you can go forward on that path with confidence!

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  6. Katie Hickerson

    I have to say I’m glad you posted this too. Even clay and I get bogged down by not living super close to family. So I catch myself already thinking about a move. It’s nice to just appreciate where you are and enjoy the moment without always planning for something different.

  7. Staying here in OK is the hardest decision we have yet to make. Jon’s job keeps lining up best in OK. Which, as you know, I am not happy about. Home for me is NE. That’s where grandpas, grandmas, aunts, uncles, and cousins are and that’s who I want my kids to grow up around. Out on the farm with grandpa, chasing chickens at grandma’s and big family dinners during the week. I’m a Nebraska girl and to have the jobs keep lining up in OK makes me uneasy b/c I want my kids to be Nebraska kids. There’s just something about it. But at the same time I don’t want to live in a small town. I want big, huge, large city right now. So, either way I’m not going to win. It’s either the family or the city. I can’t have both at the same time. Why can’t life just hand you everything you want on a silver platter? :/

  8. It’s really comforting to know that we aren’t the only ones who’ve struggled with this decision. Thanks for sharing your stories with us!

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